Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas at Glacier Mountain Border Collies

Monday, November 16, 2009

We are going to Portland and hoping shadow does well may be showing new pups also not sure about that. Shadow just needs one major to finish.

Also my wife is expecting a couple of litters from her Poms in Dec.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Shadow goes to BC Nationals

Went to the BC Nationals spent the week had a really great time. Met alot of new people and saw some great BC's. Watched herding, rally, obedience, agility. It was awesome. Embarrassing moment for me. Shadow jumped across me and out the window into the herding ring while a competitor was showing. She rounded up the sheep but didn't know what to do after that. Luck would have it and the judge just stopped the trial. Got shadow out. I apologized to the judge and the competitor after they were done. They both were real nice and said it happens more then one would think. Shadow took 4th in puppy sweeps. She was looking really good. Jenny Fish showed Shadow for me at the Nationals and did an exceptional job. Denise set that up for Barb and Me many great thanks to both. On Thurs all the girls I hang out with got there and Ronna, Karen and some of their friends. They all pitched in to help me get Shadow ready for the ring. They are just awesome friends. They did really well there and stacked up ribbons on the wall. Debbie Butt showed up on Thursday and brought my new pup. We, Barb and I, finally decided on her home name which is Magic from some of her background. Haven't come up with a registered name yet. Pics and pedigree to follow on my site.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

2009 Border Collie Nationals

Shadow crossed the states to show in the 15 to 18 month class. We watched some of the herding classes and Shadow decided to let herding instinct take over when she jumped out the car window and took to the herding arena! She was not the competitor at the time.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Magic comes from Debbie Butt and is out of Dykinta Made You Look and Sportingfield Etched N Borderfame.


Glacier Mountain BC's has acquired a new puppy! Barb has named her Belle.

Shadow at Helena, Mt

At the Helena, Mt shows on 9-17-09 Mrs Letitia Bett places Shadow 1st in class, winners bitch and best of breed! On 9-18-09 Mr John T Connolly places her 1st in class, winners bitch and best of opposite.
On 9-19-09 Dr Klaus Anselm places her 1st in class, winners bitch, best of breed over a special and a Group 4! On 9-20-09 Mr Charles E Trotter places her 1st in class, winners bitch and best of opposite sex.

Pic of group 4 to follow

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Shadow at Enumclaw, Wa

At the Olympic Kennel Club show in Enumclaw, Wa on 8/15/09 April Bruce places Shadow 1st in class in Puppy Sweepstakes. Robert R Frost places her 1st in class, winners bitch and best of winners for a 4 point major! Denise Waiting did a great job of showing her for the major and is pictured with Shadow and judge Robert Frost.
On 8/16/09 Marion D McPherson places her 1st in class and reserve winners bitch.
Visit our website at Glacier Mountain Border Collies

Shadow at Coeur d' Alene, Id

At the Inland Empire Kennel Association show in Coeur d' Alene, Id on 7/11/09 Wayne Morris Thompson places Shadow 1st in class. On 7/12/09 John T Connelly places her 1st in class.

Shadow at Missoula, Montana

At the Fire Valley Kennel Club show in Missoula, Mt on 6/21/09 Fred C Bassett places Shadow 1st in class, winners bitch and best of breed for 2 points. On 6/22/09 Charles Trotter places her 1st in class, winners bitch and best opposite sex for 1 point. On 6/23/09 Lowell K Davis places her 1st in class, winners bitch and best opposite sex for 1 point. Jerry is pictured with Shadow and judge Fred Bassett.
Visit our website at Glacier Mountain Border Collies

Shadow at Great Falls, Montana

At the Electric City Kennel Club show in Great Falls, Mt on 6/19/09 Wanda V McPherson places Shadow 1st in class, winners bitch and best opposite sex for 1 point. On 6/20/09 Jon R Cole places her 1st in class winners bitch and best opposite sex for 1 point. Jerry is pictured with Shadow and judge Wanda McPherson.


Shadow starts her show career at the Spokane Kennel Club show in Spokane, Wa. On 5/23/09 Monica Canestrini places her 2nd in class. On 5/24/09 Roger Hartinger places her 2nd in class.
At the Coeur d' Alene Dog Fanciers show in Coeur d' Alene, Id on 5/25/09 Harlowe C Jahelka places her 1st in class and Best puppy. On 5/26/09 Linton Moustakis places her 1st in class, winners bitch, best of winners and best opposite sex for her first 2 points. Denise Waiting did an excellent job of handling her and is pictured with Shadow and judge Linton Moustakis in this post.

Friday, August 21, 2009

New at blogging

This blog will be our way of spreading news about Glacier Mountain Border Collies and their accomplishments. Shadow's showring accomplishments will follow soon.
Karen(for Jerry)